Saturday, 5 April 2008

Tate Modern, The Crack exhibition

This is one of my favourite exhibitions of a single installation
at the Tate Modern. To simply use the vast space of the
Turbine Hall to create a peace of art with the very fabric of the
building itself is bold, original and very pertinent to the space.
The way people interact with a feature such as this is what most
interests me, the way they walk the edge of it afraid to jump or
are the bold type who jump across it. The important thing here
is that they can interact with the featured installation and possibly
imagine other processes in nature such as an earthquake, which is
a foreign entity to most people in the UK.
This is a good exhibition for thinking of what we take for granted in
the world to consider other things outside our world and to investigate
what is an option when it comes to a metaphorical canvas.

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