Thursday, 1 May 2008

Gatton Park, Visit

Gatton Park is classed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest
the park was design by Lancelot "Capability" Brown and
the Park is now managed by the National Trust who have
restored much of the former glory of the space.
The main features for me in the Park are the vistas designed
specifically to open up out onto the landscape of the Park.
The restoed pond are very pleasant to look at but what
effectively this park is about are vistas and walks.
There are very few places to explore and rest in that are not
on the path, the main rest area is the car park which is tired
poorly laid out and a bad gateway for selling such a lovely Park
and all its history.
There are lots of lovely spaces here and I think with the right
presentation of information for people this Park and all its history
could really be valued and explored. The lack of past direction
has led to the corrections now being made to tthe space and
hopefully the safeguarding of its beauty into the future.

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