Friday, 11 April 2008

Google Sketchup, Learning

The google sketchup program is one of a number of
3D modeling programs capable of create walk around
models to explore the designs that you envision.
I recently been recomended to use this program by
a colleague who said that if you want to use a programwhich
is quick to learn and create you design this is it.
the program offered my the ability to create a model of
a design site and create a measured model which I can
walk around and see exactly where my design would and
would'nt work.
The only drawback that I have encountered with the Sketchup
program is that the graphics of the finished designed model
tend to be very cartoon like give a sense of serealism to the design.
I have definately gained a great deal from learning the use of this
program and would recomend it myself but would again remind
anyone who uses it, that it is not a perfectly refined modeling
tool but as the name suggests is very good at offering the means
to create simple sketch models.

Victoria Embankment Gardens

Victoria Embankment Park could best be described as a
space which offer people a little respite in the middle of a busy
day I stumbled across the Park while navigating London
on foot and was rather glad for this quite people frienly space.
Most people who use the park are either on there jouney to the
local train station or taking a break from there busy day to have
lunch or just simply sit relax and recharge, I certainly did.
The Park itself is just wide enough so that if you enter from
either the north or the south entrances you are in the centre of
the park. What the park lacks in width it makes up for in length,
adding to the illusion of its size. There are same elements in the
design which could be improved such as the broken tarmac
pathways even flages would look better and the rows of benchs
often mismatching make the furniture look confused and thrown
The park serves its patrons well by providing a space to relax and
reach ones destination in comfort and openess in a part of London
which can feel castrophobic at best.
Improving the quality of the build of installations and furniture
would go a long way to making this space stand out from the
traditional standard park it is.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Tate Modern, The Crack exhibition

This is one of my favourite exhibitions of a single installation
at the Tate Modern. To simply use the vast space of the
Turbine Hall to create a peace of art with the very fabric of the
building itself is bold, original and very pertinent to the space.
The way people interact with a feature such as this is what most
interests me, the way they walk the edge of it afraid to jump or
are the bold type who jump across it. The important thing here
is that they can interact with the featured installation and possibly
imagine other processes in nature such as an earthquake, which is
a foreign entity to most people in the UK.
This is a good exhibition for thinking of what we take for granted in
the world to consider other things outside our world and to investigate
what is an option when it comes to a metaphorical canvas.

Cityscape exhibition, London

The cityscape exhibition is a very interesting
and varied show. The main premise is to explore
the development of new spaces along Londons River
Thames, highlighting a series of projects which have
been undertaken on the River Thames.
The best elements of this show was the way information
is presented, there are a number of cubicles on stilts
which each display information about the river in
different styles.
There is a seperate room with individual projects
which is very informative because they show projects
which have been successful and achieved contracts
from these documents.
There is a final room which is rather disappointing with
mirrors and walls covered in a woodland photo.
Overall this is a good exhibition to view the projects
current to the changing London Landscape and the
information is presented boldly and in a fun way.

Eden Project, Visit

The Eden Project is fabulous site with lots of education
designed at educating people and creating a sustainable
The attraction here is really the dynamic between the
architecture and the Landscape Architecture bcause without
the landforms the architecture would be misplaced and without
the architecture the landscape wouldn't be appreciated.
There are lots of installations of interest throughout the site
designed for all ages but the way the routes and planting in the
larger greenhouse biome has been designed with such care to the
development of the story unfolding as you walk through is amazing.
There is so much information here that it is sometimes hard to just
enjoy the space, but there is always something new to enjoy.
The Eden Project is a great inspirational space and place. Eden is
incredibly well planned and run, there is always someone doing
something to maintain the space and help anwser questions at the
same time, its an absolutely great space.

Sommerset House courtyard

This space is within a very traditional historic
setting so the renewal of the courtyard turning it into
a waterfeature and rmoving the old fabric is brave
but it also takes away the character of the space.
This space does look better from the point of view that
it is clean and crisp, but it is somewhat still after its new
additions a blank slate almost lost for function.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

NLA, Building Centre London

The exhibits of the olympic park and the new facilities
were very interesting there was a wide range of proposals
and with this different approaches of how to sell these designs.
The model of London is eye catching as one walks into the building
giving a full perspective of London space.
The most appealing aspect to me about the whole
experience herewas, the material section in the basement.
There were cutting edge materials presented in all uses
of construction which helps to visualise what you could use in
a design.
The major aspects I took away from this experience were
the enormous ranges of presenting styles some better than
others, but overall worth looking at just to see the processes
in use in current practice.